What We Believe


all him

There is one living and true God, existing in three persons:  God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. He is of infinite power, wisdom, and goodness. He is the creator and preserver of all things.  He created us in his image to be a people for himself – “They will be my people, and I will be their God.”

we all

fall short

But we soon marred that image. Through our disobedience, we were plunged into a state of sin and spiritual death alienating us from God and each other. We became enemies in our mind and though we knew God, we did not glorify him as God or show gratitude. We chose to worship created things rather than the Creator.  We exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and our sin earned for us a forever death apart from God.



In his sovereignty, God has planned our rescue from the beginning of time. God the Son entered into humanity, becoming one of us.  Fully God and yet fully human, Jesus lived the sinless life we couldn’t and died the death we should’ve. As our substitute, paying the penalty for our sin on a Roman cross, he reunited us to God and forgave our sin.  Jesus came back to life three days later, confirming all he said and did, and gives us a right standing with God.  He returned to God the Father where he waits to return until this good news is proclaimed to all the world.


by jesus

Jesus promises a forever life to all who put their trust in him. This is a gift, not earned. It’s received through faith, not obedience. It’s based on what Christ has done, and not what we need to do.  This is the gospel.  We who believe, who trust Jesus for our salvation, now belong to God. We are adopted into his family and indwelt by the Holy Spirit who empowers us to live obediently to Christ.  We, the Church, gather regularly to worship, pray, and to encourage each other as we wait for Christ to return. The Word of God – the Bible - is authoritative in our life as the only rule of faith and practice.  As we tell others the good news of Jesus and make disciples, we practice the ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper. When Christ returns, he will take with him all who belong to him to a new heaven and new earth.