coila  leadership

  • leadership

    At Coila our congregation employs a representative form of church government led by a board of elders called the Session. The elders are shepherds of the church, focusing on prayer, teaching, and the spiritual life of the congregation. The deacons serve the physical welfare of the body, assisting those in need within the congregation. The trustees oversee care and maintenance of the church property and finances. All leaders are elected by the congregation and together are responsible for the spiritual care and oversight of our church body.

  • Peter bailey, Pastor   

    Peter and Jennifer Bailey are natives of Schuylerville, NY. They were high school sweethearts and married in 1996. They have been serving in ministry in various capacities since then. Peter has served as a youth pastor, Young Life leader, music minister, and Director of the Upstate Jail Ministry to Washington and Warren County Jails.  In 2015, Peter accepted the call to Coila Church as Senior Pastor. 

  • Luke Olson, Worship Leader

    Luke and Erin Olson have lived in West Africa, Montana, and the Boston area and now reside in Hoosick Falls with their two children. Members of Coila since 2006, together they have taught Sunday School and served on the worship team. As a family the Olsons enjoy horseback riding, camping and reading good books.

  • Nelson Eddy, ELDER  

    Glen Knecht, Elder

    Tim Daughton, Elder

    Dan Davala, Elder

  • deacons

    Beverly Collamer

    May Erhardt   

    Nancy Thompson   

    Barb Haight

    Evelyn Rybaltowski

    Scott Bogle

    Paul Rosamilia

  • Trustee  Board

    Fred Bull

    Scott Foyle

    Carman Bogle

    Susan Armet

    Steve Robertson

    Tom Rogers

    Pam Billings: Treasurer  

  • administration

    Church Secretary:  Sarah Brown


    Church Treasurer:  Pamela Billings


    Church Historian:  Bob Thomas


    Sunday School Superintendent:  Beth Knecht


    Sunday School Assistant Superintendent: Erin Olson